
So this Saturday, with some surprisingly good weather in the skies I decided to meet up with a few friends and go for a bit more street shooting around London.

As always I took my less is more approach to gear. Everything shot on the Sony a7iii + 24mm 1.4, with a smattering of the excellent Samyang 35 1.4 thrown in to change things up a bit. The street portrait an example of how good that lens is. That being said, one of my fellow shooters was delivering awesomeness on an iphone (@monkeymuesli), so by comparison I was packing some serious gear!!

So when it came to editing I decided to try out the Kodak Ektachrome E100, something I’ve wanted to do for a while, mainly because I like the slightly alt look it gives. And on a day like yesterday I feel it works well. So much so that I may invest in a few rolls for my Mamiya C330 before I head to New York next month.

Little shout out to my fellow shooters:

@anjap (red head crouched down in picture 8) @monkeymuesli & @mirrorlessjack.

And a mention for Fin, one of the skaters we encountered along the way. Awesome shirt eh.

All images taken during a 6 hour wonder. Hope you like.

